
Künstlerisch bewegt sich Harald Oeler in einem weiten Feld, welches von der (Ur-) Aufführung zeitgenössischer Werke, über die Transkription klassischer Werke für das Akkordeon, bis hin zum Jazz reicht.

Harald Oeler wirkte bei verschiedenen Projekten und Festivals mit, darunter der "Heidelberger Frühling", das "Literaturfest Niedersachsen"", die "Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker" der Frankfurter "MuseumsSalon" und Jazzfestivals wie das "Django Memorial Augsburg"" und das "Frankfurter Jazzfestival"".

Konzertreisen führten Harald Oeler bereits nach China, Korea, Rumänien, Finnland, Schweden, Italien, Österreich, Schweiz und Polen. Zahlreiche CD Produktionen bei OehmsClassics, Genuin und Thorofon/Bella Musica repräsentieren sein breitgefächertes Konzertleben.

Pictures at an Exhibition

Modest Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition
Sofia Gubaidulina - Et expecto

The precision of the piano and the suction power of the orchestra – the accordion unites both of these. To put it more precisely, the bayan, played by Harald Oeler, unites them in the most beautiful way. And which work shows this more impressively than Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition? Oeler plays these movements in his own, magnificently colourful adaptation. The gnome hisses more angrily than ever and the little chicks flutter and peep their heads off, making it a pure joy for us to hear. Just how broad Oeler’s dynamic spectrum is can be experienced both in the enormous arch-form of the Great Gate of Kiev and in the whirring sound masses and harsh rhythms of Sofia Gubaidulina’s “Et expecto,” the second work on the new GENUIN CD. These are two Russian compositions, two centuries, two styles – an exciting combination, carried along by the drive and long breath of a true virtuoso.

  • "Oeler’s transcription unites the advantages of the original piano version and Ravel’s orchestral adaptation. On the one hand, the accordion offers a homogeneous sound comparable to that of the piano. On the other hand, it has an astounding range of colours and dynamics which one would not normally expect of this underestimated instrument." Nordwest-Radio